Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Homework for October 14th

Visual Rhetoric is "reading with pictures" or using pictures to communicate a message. I myself am a visual person/learner, so I found very quickly that I can benefit from it. 

In Henry Hargreaves photo gallery, he simply took an overhead picture of the meal each person wanted for their last meal. Simply seeing the meal made me think to myself what I would ask for if it was myself, and made myself think more about each person individually. Why they chose what they chose. What captions were on the side that gave some insight as to why. This made it very interesting for myself as I looked at each picture and saw what choices people had, making me hungry as well. Henry made sure the meal was well-lit, showcased in full detail so it was as real as it would be in person to get you thinking about how real the situation is when it's the last meal of someone's life, which is a very effective way to get people's attention. By also giving the basics as to why the person was having a last meal and a little information on each person, it really fulfilled feeling a connection to each convicted.

With the last meals project, they decided to also use a mug shot of each convict's face, another way of getting a personal feeling for each convict. around the same amount of text and description as Hargreaves' visual rhetoric had. I found Hargreaves' presentation more appealing because seeing the food so clearly and detailed made it feel more real and sensitive to me. To make it even more effective I thought they could've put more on each convict's thoughts about the food or reasoning behind the food they chose. Both presentations wanted to get you feeling about what you personally would want and make you think that these "villains" are people who like the same foods as many of us and have a connection or tie to us. 

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